Category: Sustainability Science
Estimating Illegal Fishing From Experts
A new paper by ACS and colleagues uses expert elicitation methodologies to estimate illegal fishing activity from enforcement officials in Chile’s national fisheries agency (Servicio Nacional de Pesca y Acuicultura, SERNAPESCA). Published in Scientific Reports, it provides a national illegal fishing baseline for Chile. […]
Seafood Ethics
ACS launches an evidence-based and transparent platform on seafood mislabeling and fraud to promote ocean and food sustainability. […]
Seafood Fraud Suffers from Oversimplification
An ACS study characterizes seafood fraud globally and estimates, for the first time, mislabeling rates and their uncertainty for a variety of products. […]
What is Driving Seafood Fraud?
An ACS paper in the journal Marine Policy takes a first step towards rigorously exploring the potential incentives for seafood mislabeling. […]